Talking to Strangers: What we should know about the people we don’t know – Malcolm Gladwell

This book provides a detailed analysis of the different aspects of our interactions with strangers by using real-life events from the news that occurred at various points in time. Examples include the Cuban spy that spent so many years undetected at one of the USA’s most secure agencies – the pentagon; the man who brought down a hedge-fund giant at wall street to the university student that meets a lady at a party and ends up in police custody.
How we interact with new people in our daily lives and throughout history is essential, and our first impressions of those people can either be beneficial or detrimental. Every day we are thrown into contact with people whose assumptions, perspectives, and backgrounds are different from our own. Malcolm Gladwell (MG) uses the above cases to highlight how the various parties used a set of strategies to understand one another’s words and intentions. He analyzes those strategies, what went wrong with them, and how they can be corrected in our interactions with strangers.
Our interactions with new people are full of unspoken context; MG highlights the importance of understanding the context in which the stranger operates. “If we are more thoughtful as a society – if we are more willing to engage in some soul-searching about how we approach and make sense of strangers. Many of the interactions, events that turn out wrong will not be happening – he says.
Overall, this book enlightens the underlying problem in making sense of the people we don’t know. It is a mindful reminder to look deeper into what we may not know when interacting with strangers and why we may not understand their actions.
“Whatever it is, we are trying to find out about strangers in our midst is not robust – the right way to talk to strangers is with caution and humility.” – Malcolm Gladwell.